Nebran/.Of Long Forgotten Times/Van Records/2022.Hand Of Flauros/Self Titled/2022 Full Length Review.Verberis/Adumbration Of The Veiled Logos/NoEvDia/2.Written In Torment/Black Command/Purity Through Fi.Midnight Odyssey/Echoes Of A Celestial Ruin/I, Voi.Prometheus/Aornos/I, Voidhanger Records/2022 CD Re.Mustan Kuun Lapset/Suruntuoja/Inverse Records/2022.Nettelorth/Nocte Ignota/Opus Elefantum/2022 Full L.Ninhursag/Rite Of Initiating Blessing Part II/2022.Anticreation/From The Dust Of Embers/Sentient Ruin.Unholdun/Self Titled/Purity Through Fire/2022 EP R.Konklave/Zmarchrob/Sepulchraphon Samizdat Records/.Hissing/Hypervirulence Architecture/Profound Lore.Sangre Negra/Bruma Primigenia/West Cassettes/2022.Thromdarr/Midwinter Frost -Complete Demo Tapes 199.Hulder/The Eternal Fanfare/20 Buck Spin/2022 EP Re.Drunemeton/Age Of Nameless Things And Gods/Der Sch.Toadeater/Bexadde/F.D.AS Records/2022 Full Length.Svartsyn/Bloodline/Nomad Snakepit Productions/2022.Svartsyn/.His Majesty/Nomad Snakepit Productions.Thanatomass/MMXV-MMXVI/Nomad Snakepit Productions/.Thanatomass/Darkest Conjurations/Nomad Snakepit Pr.Am Himmel/As Eternal As The Starless Kingdom Of So.The Anointing Maelstrom/Storm of Steel-Scorched.Ea.Mortuus/Diablerie/W.T.C Productions/2022 Full Leng.Todesengel/Funeral Paths/Wolfmond Production/2022.Astral Horror/Changer Of Destiny/2022 Demo Review.Svart Crown/ Les Terres Brûlées/Nova Lux Productio.Ophidian Forest/Tales Of Doom And Ignorance/Subcon.NekroChaparro/the lord satan is my Shepherd.Absentia Lunae/Marching Upon Forgotten Ashes/ATMF/.Hadiqat/Eutropia/Xenoglossy Productions/2022 Demo.Eihort/Consuming The Light/Odium Records/2022 CD R.Crestfallen Dusk/Self Titled/Moonlight Cypress Arc.Matianak/Compilación De Insaniam/2020 Full Length.Ceremonial Worship/Seven Gateways To Eternal Misan.Damnation Prayer/Blood Ritual: Symbols Of Warfare.Svar/Under A Sky Full Of Thunder/2022 EP Review.Blutsauger/Path Of The Bleeding Dead/2021 Demo Review.Kryptamok/Kataklysmi/Purity Through Fire/2022 CD R.Vong/A Wander In Liminality/House Of Ygra/2022 Re.Traumen Von Aurora/Luna/Trollzorn Records/2022 CD.Traumen Von Aurora/Aurora/Trollzorn Records/2022 C.Omenfilth/Possessed By The Pentacle Spell/Eternal.Goddamn Gringos/Self Titled/2022 Demo Review.Manticore/Endless Scourge Of Torment/Hells Headban.KSSL/Casting Patterns/JEMS/2022 Full Length Review.Grigorien/Magtens Evangelium/Signal Rex/2022 Full.In my opinion Unfyros are a very great sounding old school and mid tempo mixture of black and heavy metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. The production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics cover darkness and nightfall themes. Unfyos plays a musical style take that takes a 90s era mid tempo black metal and mixes it with traditional metal to create a sound of their own. Melodies are also added into some of the guitar riffing along with the music also adding in a decent amount of traditional metal elements. Vocals are mostly grim sounding black metal screams as well as the first track also being very long and epic in length along with the music also being very heavily rooted in the 90's era.Īll of the music sticks to either a slow or mid tempo direction while no fast playing or blast beats are ever utilized. Melodic riffing starts off the ep while all of the musical instruments on the recording also have a very powerful sound to them. Unfyros are a band from Finland that plays an old school and mid tempo mixture of black and heavy metal and this is a review of their 2022 ep "Into Sibylline Woods" which was released by Aural Hypnox.