Reuse original shapes for adding volume (scale them down or use path operations with new created shapes). To show the inner part of the candlestick use darker color. I chose the second way (see video process) To create a candlestick handle, use two ellipses and Path > Difference operation Coloring process includes three steps. Then, you can either place it on top of the bottom candlestick shape or place it behind it and curve the upper line of bottom candlestick shape with Nodes Tool. To show this through our drawing, create an ellipse and squeeze it like shown on the picture above. Form candlestick shape using rectangle and Path > Difference operation At such angle (side top view) we can see the inside of the candlestick. For drops use either Bezier Tool or Pencil. For melted wax use the same technique as we used for candle's outline shape. The final touch is adding highlights to all convex portions of candle. Duplicate it, fill it with darker color, place it under (Page Down) and slightly below the original shape.

Now let s add the shadow under the middle drop.

Duplicate twice the candle shape (Ctrl + D), scale the upper one down, select both and use Path > Intersection. To make the candle stand out, we ll add an outline shape. The third oval in the middle of the candle remains as it is. Select these two, candle shape and go to Path > Union. Use Ellipse Tool to create oval shapes and place two of them along the edges of the candle. The next step is to add even more melted wax - this time it ll be drops. Duplicate the candle shape, select melted wax shadow and go to Path > Intersection. Duplicate the original melted shape (Ctrl + D), fill it with darker color and position it under (Page Down) and slightly below the melted wax. Let s add a shadow under the melted wax to make it more visible. Lower the shape on several steps pressing Page Down key. Create a small hollow under the wick using Ellipse Tool (F5) and fill it with darker color. Here you can experiment for yourself, or use the most common colors like I did.ģ You can download SVG-file with color palette for practice here 5. There are many kinds of candles, their shapes and their colors. You can also wrap type around objects, make it follow along the shape of a path, create type masks, import text files into containers, and. Like other objects, type can be painted, scaled, rotated, and so on. Select all melted wax nodes (except for the two top extreme nodes), make them smooth and adjust their position. One of the most powerful features of Inkscape is the ability to use type as a graphic element.

With this setting, hand line is more curved, smooth and have a less number of nodes, so it s much easier to edit its paths. Also, do not forget about the wick, which can also be drawn using Bezier Tool or a Pencil. Let's add this detail to our candle to make it look more realistic.take Bezier Tool (Shift + F6) and form a shape using from node to node method. As our candle burns, the wax begins to melt. Add aditional nodes to get a better result. Convert rectangle to path (Shift + Ctr l+ C), round out the bottom line and make the upper edge slightly slanted. It s much easier to draw using simple shapes than to draw from the scratch on your own. First of all we need to grab Rectangle Tool (F4) for base shape of our candle.