Lyrics to franz ferdinand take me out
Lyrics to franz ferdinand take me out

Considering that the song was inspired by two straight friends of the band's dancing together drunkenly for giggles, it takes this trope up to eleven. They mostly spend the rest of their time having fun, probably. Money Song: "Jacqueline", which goes on about working on holiday, when the narrator (and probably his girlfriend) need money.This was intentional the band wanted to simply differentiate their albums by color scheme, though this idea fell apart pretty quickly. Minimalistic Cover Art: A completely black cover with the album name on the front.I charm you and tell you of the boys I hate

lyrics to franz ferdinand take me out

I time every journey to bump into you, accidentally Evil Is Burning Hot: Invoked by "This Fire", which is about the shallowness or the viscosity of lust or passion.Some interpretations of the song also include the fact that Ferdinand could be trying to defend his honor or his wife in the context of the song. There are various pistol-related references in the song, such as "cross hair" and "shots". Dual-Meaning Chorus: "Take Me Out", while ostensibly about a guy trying to pick up a girl in a bar, could subtly be about the real Franz Ferdinand's assassination.Deranged Animation: The video for "Take Me Out" is a surreal melange of clockworks, body parts, old-school sketches and abstract diagrams.Later, when they're performing as famous artists, the video cuts to a bleak white area, showing that it's really Lonely at the Top. Deliberately Monochrome: The video for "Matinée", which shows the band members singing in a drab classroom while they're being taught how to perform music.Broken Bird: It's implied that the girl in "Auf Achse" was used by the man Alex addresses in the song.The band eventually scrapped it and decided against recording a radio-friendly version of the song. Bowdlerization: An alternate version of "Michael" was recorded a few months prior to the album's release, where it was instead about a boy and a girl fighting over the titular character.Art Deco: The videos for "This Fire" and "Take Me Out" were heavily inspired by Soviet propaganda and pop art of the earlier 20th century.

Lyrics to franz ferdinand take me out